

Chasing Shadows of Education Across the States in India: Mapping Its Policies and Practices at School Level

Equity and Inclusion in Mathematics Education in India

Biannual University Admissions: A Double-Edged Sword for Indian Higher Education

Dummy Schools: Emergence of Proxy Education System and the Hidden side of IIT-JEE and NEET Success

Striking the Balance: Parenting for Nurturing Without Spoiling—Dos and Don'ts

Enhancing Student's Learning in the Classroom: Effective Strategies for Improvement

Look into a Child's Mind: Exploring the Wonders and Complexity

The Influence of State of Mind on a Child's Learning Journey

The Three E’s of Private Tuition in India: Expansion, Expenditure, and Effect

American Psychological Association Manual | APA Manual 7th Ed | Part- 1 Quick Reference Guide |

India's Top 10 Universities 2022 | World Class Universities in India | Best Universities in India

Quality of Private Teachers’ Education Colleges in National Capital Region by Sanjeev Kumar Jha and Sohrab Ali

Contemporary Schooling: ‘Time-honoured Disorder’ or ‘A Necessary Evil’

Distributive Responses to a Collective Responsibility The Right to Education in India by Sanjeev Kumar Jha