Student’s Satisfaction of students with the facilities and the services of Public and Private Universities

Jha, S.K. & Kumar, S. (2017). Student’s Satisfaction of students with the facilities and the services of Public and Private Universities. IIMT Education Review, 6 (1), 71-79. IIMT College of Science & Technology: Greater Noida. (A peer reviewed refereed International Journal, ISSN: 2229-4902).

Students are the direct recipient of the facilities and the services of an educational institution. Thus, their satisfaction from the facilities and the services of the institution can be an effective measure of its quality. The present paper focuses on studying student’s satisfaction (SS) in public and private university. The sample consisted of 200 students selected through ‘Random Sampling Technique’ (100 from each one public and one private university). Students’ Institution Satisfaction Scale [SISS-AJ] (2013) developed by Prof. Sohrab Ali and Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Jha was used for the data collection. The collected data were analysed with the help mean, standard deviation and t-ratio ratio. The paper concludes that the students in the public university have higher student’s satisfaction than their private counterpart. Furthermore, boys and girls have no significant difference in students satisfaction in either of the university. Moreover, students have a moderate level of satisfaction in both types of the universities.

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